Statewide and District Leadership



Fighting the legislative battles on behalf of its members is the most visible and highest priority for DASA. Lobbying is a team effort and it takes everyone to be successful. DASA has been involved in protecting administrators’ terminal pay for accrued sick leave.

DASA leads the way in protecting your career and benefits, guarding Florida’s education budget, and fighting the persistent anti-administrator climate in our state. Our staff also works with district administrators to foster relationships at the local level. Regular legislative updates on the DASA Website and high-impact lobbying keep you advised of the prominent legislative issues.

DASA also gets you in you in touch with your professional colleagues. Discuss challenges, share ideas and take the lead on boards, committees and panels. DASA offers numerous opportunities for recognition and awards for dedicated educational service.


DASA accesses a variety of publications to inform its members of current happenings in the education arena. You will come to rely upon these updates as invaluable sources of information.

DASA is an active member of Florida Association of School Administrators (FASA). They provide weekly informational updates on relevant educational developments around the state and nationally.